Install Jenkins and configure with mercurial repo for Continous Integration
Today I had to run all the tests of the build on my local system to be sure that the changes I made would not break anything. So I had to configure the CI on my system which we were using till now for the project from stage server. Following are the steps I followed to do this: Download Jenkins Download Ant Download Apache Tomcat 7.0 Unwar Jenkins into tomcat webapp folder Install Ant and add it to the PATH system variable Ensure you have JAVA_HOME set to point your java installation directory and that you have tools.jar in the JAVA_HOME\lib folder Start Apache Tomcat from services Access Jenkins in web browser using link <tomcat url>/jenkins Now Jenkins will take a while to configure itself and will come up with home page If you want to configure with CVS or SVN skip to step , for other versioning software like Mercurial go to next step Click on Manage Jenkins and Manage Plugins Add the Mercurial Plugin In ca...